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Here, Have My Random Thoughts

     Hello and Welcome! Come on in, have a sit, and hopefully, you will like at least one thing I post haha. 

    One thing I really can not stand is someone who says "You have to have a niche to succeed with a blog", or "How will people know what you are about if you don't have a certain topic to write about?". Seriously, who wants to read about just one thing? Why can't people be random in their blogs like they are in their lives? Is there just one thing you do and talk about in your everyday life? No, I didn't think so. If that is how you are, then I am sorry to say but you are boring as fuck! 

    There are so many things that go through my head, activities (ok crafts) that I do, topics that I like, and things that I know. How could I just pick one thing? So, here is a list of some things you will see here:

  • Crafts and ideas for crafts
  • Different ways to make money
  • Random stories and thoughts
  • Day-to-day shit
  • A lot of cursing
  • Cooking/baking tips, tricks, and recipes
  • Things related to ADHD and how I handle it
  • Pieces of a book I am working on
  • Digital art
  • Makeup tips, tricks, and tutorials
  • Skincare
  • And much, much more
     Oh, you wanna know some things about me? I thought you would never ask. I am a full-time single mom, I work full-time, I go to school full-time, I have ADHD with a sprinkle of OCD (you know, for some razzle dazzle), I am artistic most days, and I constantly add more things to my plate than I have room for. I give great advice and not to brag or anything, but I am pretty fucking smart. I am also sarcastic as hell and have a very, very dark sense of humor. I am currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in IT with a focus on project management and a minor in programming. And I hate most people 😂
    Come hang out. You never know, you just might learn something!


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